Welcome to Task Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors
Task Insurance Surveyors & Loss AssessorsTask Insurance Surveyors & Loss AssessorsTask Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors
+91 9560490100 | 9837575722
Behind -G3S Cinema, Delhi 110085

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About TASK Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors

Welcome to TISLA  – India’s emerging insurance surveyor firm. With our presence across the nation, TISLA has been the preferred choice for comprehensive loss adjusting and claims management services with its surveyors having experience of more than two decades. Our track record speaks volumes about our expertise in the industry


Turn Arround Time (TAT) 95%
Promptness 95%
Councelling 80%
Diplomacy 60%
Impartiality 100%

What We Do

Surveyors And Loss Assessors

There is fire when something burns. In other words fire means visible flames or actual ignition. Simmering/ smoldering is not considered fire in Fire Insurance.

Risk Inspections

Every organization is exposed to various risks. Intech carries out risk inspection surveys from underwriting perspective with emphasis on safety and risk.

Property Valuations

A property valuation is the process of determining the true market value of a property, be it a commercial property, business property or a residential property.


Pre-Dispatch inspection, involving inspection and acceptance testing, may be agreed upon between a buyer, a supplier, and an Insurer, and it can be used to initiate payment under a letter of credit.

Chartered Engineering Certifications

Our senior professionals are approved Chartered Engineers and we provide opinions and certifications on various technical matters relating to Plant...


Miscellaneous Insurance refers to contracts of insurance other than those of Life, Fire and Marine insurance. It covers a variety of risks. Miscellaneous Insurance policies issued by Insurers are

Why Choose Us

Choose TISLA for our unwavering values, decades of experience, specialization in various events, and dedication to
continuous learning. Trust us to handle your insurance claims and allied assignments with the utmost professionalism,
ensuring transparent processes and delivering optimal outcomes. Experience the difference that TISLA brings to the


Unique Core Values & Strategic Approach

We distinguish ourselves not by doing things differently, but by doing things with a unique approach.

Proven Track Record

TISLA has earned a strong reputation in the industry due to our remarkable track record.

To review means to look back over something for evaluation or memory.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work I do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experience.

Reason to Choose TISLA

At TISLA (TASK Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors), we distinguish ourselves not by doing things differently, but by doing things with a unique approach. Our core values and code of conduct shape our operations, ensuring professional integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness in all our interactions with insurers, intermediaries, and end customers. We embody the values and purpose of insurance, operating with a philosophy of indemnifying without prejudice

TISLA has earned a strong reputation in the industry due to our remarkable track record. With extensive experience, we possess the expertise and finesse to handle a diverse range of claims, including FIRE, MOTOR, MARINE CARGO, ENGINEERING, MISCELLANEOUS, as well as Risk inspections, Valuations, and Pre-dispatch Inspections. We navigate every aspect of the claims process with precision and proficiency.

TISLA boasts a team of specialists who excel in handling natural catastrophe (NAT CAT) claims. We possess the ability to effectively manage complex and challenging situations that arise during such events. Our expertise in this area enables us to provide comprehensive solutions and support during high-stress circumstances.

We understand the importance of staying ahead and continuously improving. Therefore, TISLA is committed to continuous training and selfdevelopment. We proactively adapt to changes in the industry and embrace technological advancements, firmly believing in the principle of sharpening and polishing our skills. This unwavering commitment ensures that our team is always equipped with the latest technological updates and industry knowledge.

Get a free quote here

Find out how our wide range of services can support and benefit your business

    Our Team

    Our team adopts a flexible and goal-oriented approach to surveying losses and managing claims, ensuring compliance with industry standards. We understand that each claim is unique, and we personalize our services to meet the specific requirements of our clients.

    Stats describing us

    Our team adopts a flexible and goal-oriented approach
    to surveying losses and managing claims, ensuring
    compliance with industry standards. We understand that
    each claim is unique, and we personalize our services to
    meet the specific requirements of our clients

    1 +
    Team members
    1 +
    Winning Awards
    1 +
    Client’s Feedback
    1 +
    Completed Works

    We work with

    Choose TISLA (TASK Insurance Surveyors & Loss Assessors) for unrivaled expertise, professionalism, and a client-centric approach. Experience the difference that our specialized services can make in safeguarding your interests.


    We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)
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    Pre-Built Demos Collection

    Consultio comes with a beautiful collection of modern, easily importable, and highly customizable demo layouts. Any of which can be installed via one click.

    Business Construction
    Business Coach
    Finance 2
    Corporate 1
    Corporate 2
    Corporate 3
    Business 1
    Business 2
    Business 3
    IT Solution
    Tax Consulting
    Human Resource
    Life Coach
    Finance RTL